“An exceptional relationship is not one with a good beginning but one with a good ending. Relationships often begin accidentally, but when it comes to ending them, we usually have choices. Choose the ending wisely."
( from “The things you can see only when you slow down” by Haemin Sunim)
Thinking a lot of relationships today...
the ones that are still in my life,
the ones that vanished,
the ones that I pushed away,
the ones I couldn’t hold on to,
the ones that changed me,
the ones I expected too much off,
the ones that surprised me,
the ones that burned me,
the ones I grew out of,
the ones I got lost in,
the ones that carried me to safe grounds,
the ones that challenged me,
the ones that I cried for,
the ones I laughed with,
the ones that left me for dead and
the ones that resurrected me...
I’m still not at the place to let it all go, but I want to forgive myself for when I didn’t understand, when I made assumptions and for when I did less than I could have.
My pain & regrets, as so many other things, I used to wear like a badge of honor:
look, I’m still here despite it all! Or was it an armor?
But I’m getting tired of carrying the heavy parts with me...
So if I never said it to your face or expressed it clearly before: thank you!
Thank you for your teachings! Some I still don’t understand, but I have faith that I will some day! Thank you for sharing some of my life with me!
Thanks for the ride! You are part of my story! Thank you!
#gratitude #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #contemplating #vinyasa #vinyasaflow #bhaktiflow #relationship #sayingthankyou #teachings #practice #closure #endings #bhakti #bhaktiflow #forgiveyourself #kindness #evolution #selfcare #love #unconditionallove #itsok #hatha #heart #yinyoga #yogateacher #mindfullness #haeminsunim
